The tiktok above is the first in a series of things you should do before self surrendering to federal prison. The series kicks off with “Digital” things you should do before you self surrender to Federal Prison. You may not have thought about these things before, but they are important.

If you’re one of the tens of millions of people that have a Gmail account the first thing you want to do is make sure you’ve set up your account recovery options. You want to make sure that your account recovery person is someone you trust that is not going to Federal Prison with you. Also, if you’re going for longer than 2 years, you want to give that person or someone else you trust, the password to your account so that they can periodically go in, delete your spam and keep your account active so Google doesn’t deactivate it.

Turn off 2 Factor Authentication on everything
Unless you have an extremely short sentence like Steve Bannon or Peter Navarro, chances are, when you get out of Federal Prison you are going to have a new smart phone. Because you have a new smart phone, and most likely a new number, all your 2 factor authentications are dead. If you want to be able to get back into your account you’re going to want to turn two factor authentication off on everything. Trust me on this, I know from experience.

Kill All of your Subscriptions
The final digital tip is to take one of those apps that tells you all of your subscriptions and cancel everything, like Hulu, Netflix, Disney+ and all your other services that bill monthly. You don’t want to get home and find out the money you saved for re-entry was sucked up by monthly subscription payments.

A commentor on the TikTok version of this story suggested as a bonus tip that you delete your browser history, only you know if you should do that. But it may be a very good idea.

If you have questions or think you may need a Federal Prison Consultant (you do) please email us at or call 407-735-6995
