Facing Federal Prison?

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  • EXCLUSIVE: Compassionate Release Granted Because BOP Failed To Give Inmate Treatment

    EXCLUSIVE: Compassionate Release Granted Because BOP Failed To Give Inmate Treatment

    This is a Federal Prison Tips Excusive. Ashley Siclovan was an adult male in custody on the west coast. He started at Stafford in Arizona and finished at Victorville Medium, after being granted compassionate release by Federal District Court Judge Adrienne Nelson in the District of Oregon. Siclovan’s issues for compassionate release were simple. He…

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  • What Goes Into The Pre-Sentence Report

    What Goes Into The Pre-Sentence Report

    The PSR Is The Bible For Court and The BOP One of the most important things someone facing Federal Prison will do is the “pre sentence investigation” interview. That interview will occur after plea or trial, and will allow for 72 days for the United States Probation Officer who does the interview, to compile the…

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  • Federal Sentencing Guidelines Explained

    Federal Sentencing Guidelines Explained

    When I was first indicted I was facing “100 years”. No bullshit. I was originally charged with 5 class “c” counts of wire fraud and securities fraud. Both of those felonies carry a statutory maximum of 20 years in Federal Prison. Because of this, when the news started picking up my story, nationwide, they all…

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  • Yes! Federal Charges Can Show Up In Background Reports

    Yes! Federal Charges Can Show Up In Background Reports

    Despite Some Rumors On Social Media, Federal Charges Can Show Up. The biggest obstacle in re-entry for any felon, or anyone coming out of any prison for that matter, is finding a job. There are websites out there, that specialize in jobs for felons, like honestjobs.com but even that isn’t a guarantee. When I was…

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  • The Chase Bank Glitch

    The Chase Bank Glitch

    The Chase Bank Glitch and Sentencing Guidelines The Internet, well specifically TikTok and Instagram went crazy this weekend over something that scammers were dubbing “the Chase Bank Glitch”. Basically, Chase Bank’s computer systems for their ATMs were having some kind of problem negotiating the “float” which is how much money to give a customer at…

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  • How Much Time Can You Get Off Your In Prison Sentence With First Step Act

    How Much Time Can You Get Off Your In Prison Sentence With First Step Act

    FIrst Step Act Allows for “years and years” of RRC according to BOP Director Colette Peters (it’s in the above video). The First Step Act of 2018 is the first significant form of Prison Reform legislation in over three decades. The FSA allows for eligible inmates in federal custody to earn “earned time credits” against…

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  • FSA Creates Bottleneck For United States Probation

    FSA Creates Bottleneck For United States Probation

    If you’ve been on supervised release for a year or longer, haven’t gotten in any trouble with your probation officer, and have had no dirty UA’s (dirty drops), now is the time to consider filing for early termination of supervised release. Judges across the country are granting early terminations more liberally now than ever before…

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