Federal Prison Tips LLC offers competitive pricing, In fact, if you look around the web at other Federal Prison Consultants, we charge much less and deliver much more. Most Federal Prison Consultants charge $5,000-$10,000 for their retainer.
Our retainer is “all in” and features all of the services found here. Not only that but we stay with you for five years. Even after you or your inmate has gone into their Federal Prison we are there by phone, email (Corrlinks/Trulincs) to help with post conviction work, remedies, DHO, release plans, FSA and more. We maintain contact with our inmate client and one “on the street” sponsor.
We answer the phone on nights and weekends. When you work with us, at first, unless it’s an emergency or “go week” we prefer a text before a call so we can prioritize our scheduling however in an emergency and when it’s “go week” you can call 24/7. We’ve talked plenty of clients off the ledge when it’s their week for sentencing or self report. One of the biggest advantages to a Federal Prison Consultant is having someone to talk to that understands what’s going on.
Our all in retainer is one payment of $1500 or 3 payments of $600 and we get started after the first payment. We prefer cashapp through our business account. If you’re ready to get started you can make your first payment here.
We can also take paypal through our business account.