3 Things That Will Help You Survive Federal Prison
For some, heading to Federal Prison will be a complete culture shock. White collar criminals specifically, come from all different walks of life, but typically, many of them are used to having power and stature. When they get to Federal prison though, they’re just like everyone else. Actually, that might not be completely true.
Personally, I’ve seen so many doctors, lawyers and once successful entrepreneurs have a really hard time adjusting to prison. They aren’t use to keeping their word, or showing respect, equally to everyone. Many don’t understand that with time comes stature. Humility is hard to come by at first, but so are respect and your word.
When you take your word, and respect and blend it together to survive prison, you get your Face Card. Your Face Card is the “card” that says to your fellow inmates that you’re good. You’re not just good, you’re respectful and your honest. You keep your word.
The struggle for many white collar offenders is being held accountable to others who may not have had such positions of stature in the “free world”.
In so many of my videos I talk about the number one rule in Federal Prison being “keep your head down and mind your own business”. The second rule is: defer to rule number one.
But equally as important to these two rules are respect and your word. Things you may not think about are big serious issues when it comes to respect, like don’t cut in line, and don’t talk over someone’s food. You may have been a CEO of a Fortune 1000 company out in the free world but inside you’re just inmate #13474-073. Now to the other inmates you’ll have a name, either your given name, a chosen name or an appointed name, and that name will grow with respect.
One of the things I personally struggled with in prison was my word when it came to what I perceived to be just small amounts of money. If you owe someone a case of macs ($24) or a 3 books of stamps ($21ish dollars), and you tell someone they’ll get paid back next commissary day, it’s imperative you follow through, that you keep your word. These amounts of money may be nominal but it’s all about your word and your promise.
If you make these things important to you, it will make your stay in prison much easier.
If you need a prison consultant or have questions feel free to email info@federalprisontips.com or call (407)735-6995