Federal Prison Tips is based in South Florida. We are the second largest social media influencer in the Federal Prison space in the world, with over 3-5 million views per month between Tiktok and Instagram. Make sure you’re following us on both Tiktok and Instagram and also please join our private Facebook Group.
We are federal prison consultants and post conviction experts. We are not attorneys, we can help assist with research and development of pro se motions and have been responsible for hundreds of granted early terminations, clemencies as well as compassionate release and habeas for FSA. We were the authors of Sanchez Ladesma in the Southern District of Mississippi which validated the fact that only undocumented inmates with an actual final order of removal can be exclused from FSA and to have a final order you must go before an immigration judge.
Our Contact Info
Our normal business hours are
Monday – Thursday 10am – 10pm Eastern time
Friday 10am-4pm Eastern Time
Federal Prison Tips LLC
398 E Dania Beach Blvd
Suite 155
Dania Beach, FL 33004
During those hours when you call our office number at 407-434-0175 and hit “0” for an operator a live person will answer the phone (typically Susan, Meg or Jenn).
Unfortunately due to our overwhelming popularity Kyle is no longer able to accept un-scheduled calls or calls from people who aren’t clients. No worries though calling 407-434-0175 extension “0” can get you put on Kyle’s schedule (if you’re a client). If you’re not a client (yet) Susan, Meg or Sherease will be glad to assist you.
Our Team
rKyle@federalprisontips.com (407)434-0175 ext “0”
Kyle is the founder, creator and voice of Federal Prison Tips. He spent over 7 years in prison across 5 institutions and 3 security levels for wire fraud, securities fraud and violating the terms of his supervised release. Kyle is a certified paralegal and holds a JD as well. He lives in Fort Lauderdale with his dog “Liberty” and every now and then you cann catch him djing on social media (which he’s been doing since he was 12). Kyle likes to stress the fact that with our huge popularity on social and our phone ringing the way it does, we don’t have to take jobs just for the money. We only take post conviction work we feel we have a chance to win. And remember we aren’t attorneys and nobody that does this kind of work should ever make you any kind of guarantee. In fact if they do, RUN! You can reach kyle by email at kyle@federalprisontips.com Paid clients can call (407)434-0175 and hit “0” to schedule a call.
(for best results from Kyle email him or call and speak with Jennifer)
Sherease@federalprisontips.com (407) 434-0175 ext 103
Sherease did over 15 years at various women’s Federal Prisons. She’s a certified paralegal and quite frankly just as good, if not better than Kyle in some areas of post conviction work. Sherease is an FSA expert having got herself on home confinement, which she’s still on now and takes great joy in helping others navigate federal prison and come home from federal prison. Reach Sherease at sherease@federalprisontips.com or (407)434-0175 ext 103
Jennifer M jmayle@federalprisontips.com (404)434-0175 ext 102
Jennifer is our Office Manager, backend support person, operations manager, legal researcher and maven of the motion. She helps us stay organized, focus and hitting our deadlines. She lives in North Carolina with her cat and enjoys gaming, anime and other cool nerdy stuff when she’s not helping Kyle and Sherease find things.
Meg@federalprisontips.com (407)434-0175 ext 0 4pm-10pm
Meg is our night time receptionist and social media manager. When you’re not talking to Kyle on DM you’re talking to Meg. She’s also the moderator for our tiktok lives. Meg can make sure you get on the schedule and answer any of your questions about our services, consulting packages and post conviction work. Just call (407)434-0175 ext “0”
Susan (407)434-0175 ext 0 10am-4pm eastern
Susan is our daytime account executive and receptionist ready to answer any questions you may have. As friendly as she is you won’t believe she also did federal prison time. She’s an amazing asset to our community and can be reached at (407)434-0175 ext 0
Inmates only can call (407)735-6995 this is NOT a number for loved ones, clients or anyone on the street.
We do not accept and can not be responsible for any information sent via text message or DM.