Young Thug’s Attorney Brian Steel is found in contempt and sentenced to jail time, and then he’s not
America is watching the Young Thug trial but unlike the OJ trial, this trial is playing out on the web, TV and all over social media.
At the focal point of these shenanigans in the Young Thug trial is Judge Ural Glanville. The big upheavel started when a witness called Woody, was on the stand. Woody decided to plea the 5th ammendment time and time again, to questions as innocuous as “where did you go to school”.
This refusal to answer questions, despite Woody having immunity, drove the judge to find him in contempt and sentence him to jail time.
Many believe Glanville overstepped because Woody was a witness and had the right to plead the 5th. That’s not where it stopped though.
Later on that same day the prosecutor and the judge met with Woody, ex-parte, meaning privately. Young Thug and his attorney Brian Steel were not invited to this meeting. As Woody had already been sworn in, this led to a violation of Young Thug’s rights.
Things heated up as Judge Glanville asked Attorney Steel to reveal how he had found out about the ex-parte meeting. Of course Steel did not give up his source and originally the Judge had sentenced him to 20 days in jail, to be served through August. Steel was to report to jail every Friday by 7pm and he would be able to go home Sunday at 7pm
As I was preparing the TikTok video above the Georgia Supreme Court basically decided enough is enough and overturned Glanville’s order for Steel to report to prison.
What’s great about this trial is that it’s exposing just how corrupt our justice system is, to millions upon millions of Americans. As I say in the video I’m glad that Judge Glanville is black, so now we can put race aside and just witness this debauchery of Justice.
I do believe Young Thug will ultimately walk free, and regardless of the outcome at this level, he will most definitely appeal.
As to Attorney Steel, he has shown the world that he is a stand up Attorney who won’t shudder his responsibility to his client even when the threat of actual jail time is on the table. Rather than buck the system or cave into Glanville’s request, when he was initially found in contempt, Steel took off his coat and his cufflinks and walked straight back to the Sheriff’s holding area.
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