Federal Prison Tips LLC offers a wide range of services that are available a la carte, however we prefer to work 1:1 with individuals in an “all in” basis. This allows us to work with you, throughout your entire experience. This means we’re available to you when anything comes up.

Our affordable rates are designed with the inmate in mind and the financial burden that’s already been put on you and your family’s wallets. We know, we’ve been there. Typically we offer a three payment system with an affordable upfront payment, one payment ahead of sentencing and the other ahead of self report. We stay on retainer to the inmate client and one assigned loved one through the first five years of your sentence. Why? You will probably have questions that come up while you’re in prison and we are there to help again. Like our mission statement says “helping the justice impacted navigate their journey through federal prison.”.

Services are available a la carte but all of these and more are available “all in”

  • Sentence Mitigation and downward departure investigation
  • Sentencing factor and table analysis
  • First Step Act review and planning
  • pre-incarceration assistance
  • 24/7 phone support (even holidays and weekends)
  • Plea agreement review
  • PSR preparation and review
  • RDAP Assessment
  • Assistance with Pro Se’ motions*
  • Letter review and preparation
  • Administrative Remedy Assistance
  • DHO Assistance (Discipline Hearing)
  • Much more

If you or a loved one is facing Federal Prison please email info@federalprisontips.com or call 407-735-6995. Right now you can get a free 30 minute consultation for a better understanding of how we can help you.

Ready to get started, check our our pricing and payments here.

Or use our contact form here
