Tips For Self Surrendering To Federal Prison

Congratulations, although it doesn’t feel like you’re lucky, because you’re headed to Federal Prison, you’re one of a few thousand Federal defendants who were eligible to self report to your BOP institution. While a good number of federal defendants do get to go out on bond, many of them are remanded at sentencing. For those of you that are still left here are some tips for self-reporting.

See All Of Your Doctors

Even if you’re designated to a Bureau of Prisons medical facility, like Carswell or Butner, you’re going to want to make appointments with your family doctor, optometrist, dentist and psychologist. Overall, the BOP offers a somewhat reasonable level of healthcare, you still want to see your doctors and make sure all of your records are current.

When you see your family doctor or any specialist that writes prescriptions, you want to discuss with your doctor possibly switching to the most cost-effective medications, and wherever possible, generics. The BOP often tries to replace more expensive name brand medication with generic versions, or something else all together.

When you see the optometrist, make sure that you get a current prescription for eye glasses, as contacts are not permitted in BOP institutions, except in very special, needs based conditions. If you utilize contacts just because they are easier or make you look better you’re going to be stuck wearing glasses. When ordering frames you want to go for generic, no named brand frames. The BOP allows you to bring prescription eyeglasses with you but may not allow more expensive name brand glasses. Also, the glasses you come in with will be the only “free world” glasses you’re allowed to have. If you break or lose your glasses in your institution, you will be forced to switch to the standard BOP glasses, after seeing their optometrist.

The Dentist may be the most important part because the wait list to see the dentist at almost all BOP institutions is greater than 18 months. And, if you should switch institutions during your stay, you’re going to get kicked to the back of the dentist wait list at your new institution.

Find A Power of Attorney

Find someone you trust that can function as your power of attorney. This is especially important if you have children and families at home. It’s also very important if you still have homes in your name and other larger assets. You will want someone on the street that will act in your best interest, including signing off on things on your behalf. Please note, a power of attorney does NOT need to be an actual attorney. It could be your spouse, a parent or an adult child.

Renew Your Driver’s License

If your state allows you to renew your driver’s license outside of the normal renewal time, and then restarts the clock upon ordering the new license, you’re going to want to go ahead and do that. This is especially important for those of you who have medium amounts of time (5-10 years). It will be much easier for you to go back on the street with a valid license rather than having to start over from scratch.

Transfer Utilities and Add An Authorized User

While in some cases, a somewhat longer bid is good for rebuilding credit by letting negative items drop off, you may want to find someone you can add as an authorized user on your credit cards, and then allow them to make smaller purchases (and pay them off on terms) to continue to keep your credit active.

You may want to transfer all of the utiilities to your spouse, children or roomates. This way if there is an issue they can call directly. You also want to make sure that any loved one you lives with has all the “access codes” to talk to the various customer service departments at your utility companies. Imagine being asked for a password or numeric code, and not having it. The person on the street would have to wait for your phone call or email.

Find A Trusted Source

Find a trusted source for information, like a Federal Prison Consultant, who you can rely on to give you the actual answers to the questions that you have and the information that you need. There are a lot of well intentioned people out there, especially on Facebook Groups, that will offer advice and in many cases all of the advice will be conflicting because every federal prison is different.

Wear A Comfortable Inexpensive Outfit

When you check yourself into prison you want to wear a comfortable, inexpensive outfit. Although prisons will send the clothing you’re wearing back to your home address, sometimes the addresses or incorrect. This way, if your clothes don’t make it home, there isn’t a significant loss.

We will have more tips on self reporting soon. In the meantime if you think you may need a Federal Prison Consultant, please email or call 407-735-6995
