
If you’re on supervised release after #federal #prison you must watch this!

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If you’ve been on supervised release for a year or longer, haven’t gotten in any trouble with your probation officer, and have had no dirty UA’s (dirty drops), now is the time to consider filing for early termination of supervised release.

Judges across the country are granting early terminations more liberally now than ever before because the First Step Act has created a bottle neck within the United States Probation Office. You see, over 36,000 federal inmates have been released on First Step Act since January 19, 2022.

That huge influx of new inmates on the street has created a “bottle neck” with the United States Probation Office. There are simply not enough probation officers to cover this many new people on supervised release. Now, probation officers that were overseeing a case load of 75-125 former adults in custody, are now overseeing 200-300 former adults in custody.

If you cruise through our comments in our over 450 TiKTok videos, many people have come forward saying they haven’t had to report in months, or probation is way behind on UA’s. This is all due to these extra people now being on supervised release.

At a conference of criminal defense attorneys earlier this month, a representative from Justice said that judges are inclined to grant early termination motions because of this situation.

So What Can I do?

Speak with your probation officer and see if they would support an early termination. However, even if they wouldn’t you should still consider moving forward with a motion for early termination. We can definitely assist with that at an amazing rate. All of our assistance in pro se motions is supervised by an attorney in North Carolina.

While for many, supervised release isn’t “hard” it can still be bothersome for former inmates trying to work as over the road truck drivers, or who want to visit family in Mexico.

Have questions or want us to help with your early termination? Click here to contact Federal Prison Tips.

2 responses to “FSA Creates Bottleneck For United States Probation”

  1. I’m on home confinement and have almost another year. I want to get off the leg monitor and start probation. My judge hates me and denied my 821. What options do I have?

    1. Email us through the contact form
