
#federalprisontips @It’s Mindy Bitch is incorrect about #federal charges and background checks #prison #crime #reentry

♬ original sound – FederalPrisonTips

Re-entry is a struggle for most. Felons are severely limited by who will actually hire them. There has been an effort across the country to “ban the box”, which eliminates the “have you been convicted of a crime” box on job applications in some states and municipalities, however, all 50 starts are right to work states now and employers are well within their rights to exclude a convicted felon.

Most people don’t understand that the prison sentence, supervised release and even the fine are the “punishment”. After an inmate has served their time they should be given a chance. Heck, Donald J Trump has been convicted of felony charges and he is still able to be President of the United states.

On Monday, popular tik tokker @Itsmindybitch, who often times does very good content, posted a tik tok saying that Federal Charges did not show up on your background report. She irresponsibly used one instance where it’s most likely only a state report was pulled, to report that no federal charges are reported. That’s just patently false as you can see from the video posted above.

Even Chekr, in doing background checks for Lyft and Door Dash, performed a federal background check.

While the ignorant people out there will undoubtedly say to avoid this don’t go to prison, we must deal with the fact that we have, and we tried hard to rehabilitate and should be given a chance to prove ourselves. Too many former inmates from both Federal and State prison struggle so hard with finding housing and jobs that they end up either recidivating or homeless, and this is people who’ve applied for hundreds of jobs.

If you have questions or think you may need a prison consultant, please email info@federalprisontips.com or call us at 407-73-6995
