2490 Adults In Custody Received Clemency on Friday January 17, 2025. We’ve had so many contacts asking us when they will get out. There are a wide variety of dates.

Some inmates are being released on mass release dates starting February 17, 2025. Others had their sentences readjusted. The new total sentence is from the beginning of the sentence not Friday January 17, 2025. For example say John Smith was originally sentenced to 240 months on December 1, 2015 and now Biden has commuted his sentence to 150 months, that 150 months started on the day his original sentence started not yesterday. The BOP is supposed to have them updated by Friday.

As for now, because everybody is anxious there are 3 lists and you may need to look at all of them to find your loved one. Find their name and then scroll up to the paragraph that says what the exact commutation is, that will tell you either a new date or a new change of sentence.

If we’ve helped you and you feel like helping us why not donate through Cashapp at this link

Clemency List 1

Clemency List 2

Clemency List 3
